

‘A school’s curriculum is everything a learner experiences in pursuit of the four purposes. It is not simply what we teach, but how we teach and crucially, why we teach it.’

(CfW Guidance)

Rationale: Why We Teach It

Elfed High School provides a curriculum which is balanced and broadly based. The curriculum includes timetabled activities and extracurricular experiences and activities which promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of all its students and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life – so that they are ‘ready to thrive in the wider world’.

Aims: Why We Teach It

The aim of our curriculum is to support all of our students to become:

We will:

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How We Design Our Curriculum

The Governing Body endorses the fundamental principles which must be applied to the curriculum. In this context the curriculum must have the following qualities:

‘Freedom of choice should be underpinned by robust, evidence-based process of curriculum design, where the aim is always to help learners to realise the four purposes.’ (CfW Guidance)

Broad and balanced

develops the whole child in realising the four purposes


the highest expectations on all students, of all abilities

Coherent mapping

learning is well sequenced so students make excellent progress


learning is made relevant to students and our context


content focuses on What really Matters – depth not breadth

Authentic connections

links across areas are meaningful and aid learning

It is the policy of the Governing Body that these four principles will apply to the formal education of every child. Every effort must be made to enable children with Additional Learning Needs to follow a curriculum based on these four principles.

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Lower School (Years 7-9)

The Lower School curriculum complies with the requirements of the National Curriculum (2008) and Literacy and Numeracy Framework.  In Year 7, students are following Curriculum for Wales.  The school will formally adopt Curriculum for Wales from September 2023.

The Lower School curriculum consists of:

Area of Study and Experience
Subjects included
Languages, Literacy and Communication
Mathematics and Numeracy
Science and Technology
Digital Technology
Health and Well-being
Physical Education
Expressive Arts
Values and Ethics

What We Teach

Upper School Curriculum (Years 10 & 11)

The school complies with the requirements of the Learning and Skills (Wales) Measure 2009 for learners aged 14-19 years, in addition to the National Curriculum (2008) at Key Stage 4.

A small number of KS4 students undertake extended work placements organised by Careers Wales in Year 10 and 11. This provision is offered to students who require a learning pathway which is different from or additional to the differentiated curriculum available to all students.

In Upper School, the curriculum consists of:

Area of Study and Experience
Subjects included
Compulsory subjects
Welsh Second Language
Science and Religious Studies
Physical Education
Wider core offer
Financial Education
PSE (including sex education)
A broad range of academic and vocational courses leading to external qualifications

What We Teach

Mandatory Cross-Curricular Skills

The curriculum enables learners to develop competence and capability in literacy, numeracy and digital competence and, where there are opportunities, to extend and apply them across all Areas. The development of these skills is the responsibility of all practitioners.

It is the belief of the Governing Body that these are opportunities to develop these skills are meaningful and developed through authentic connections.

Students are given opportunities across the curriculum to:

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The Welsh Dimension and Cwricwlwm Cymreig

In planning the curriculum, the school provides a distinctive Welsh dimension and Cwricwlwm Cymreig underpins the whole curriculum for all learners, helping learners to understand the distinctive quality of living and learning in Wales enabling them to develop and apply knowledge and understanding of the cultural, economic, environmental, historical and linguistic characteristics of Wales.

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Option booklet 2024-2026

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